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Did you know...
You can use the questionnaires onboard new clients in a professional way. Onboarding questionnaires will ensure you never forget to ask a question or have to ask the same question twice.
You can flip the heat map to every competitor's view without using up any heat map searches. This allows you to view the heat maps of the entire market for 1 heat map search.
We hold weekly coaching calls within the LeadSnap Business Mastermind Group. The calls go way beyond software support as we dive into your business and help you move to the next level.
We offer free onboarding calls to help you get LeadSnap optimized for your specific business needs.
Our phone system allows you to make outgoing calls from any local phone or through the browser.
You can export leads to a Facebook Audience making your Facebook ads more effective as you begin to target a new market.
You can create as many users as you like and control access to what they can see and do within LeadSnap.
The spam filters can block more than 99% of the form submission spam in your business. They are easy to set up and can save time and money while giving a more accurate opportunity count.
You can create whatever fields you would like to track within your business. These fields can be used in sorting, filtering and custom reports. Check out website forms for more info.
You can automate follow up using the automations within the CRM section of LeadSnap. From sending a text message, email, updating pipelines and more.
Reviews are an important ranking factor for your Google My Business and using our automations you can automate the review collection process.
Our heat map averages will tell you the average score of your Google My Business for a specific term.
The heat map groupings feature will tell you your average score for a list of keywords for a given search term. Ranking for one term is great but when you start to rank for several you are really in business.
You can monitor your Google Analytics data in real time within LeadSnap. Checkout our Google Analytics integration.
You can use our pipeline system to track your sales cycle and you can have automations triggered (like texts & emails) as someone moves to a new pipeline stage.
Your first phone number is free and you can add on additional numbers for only a couple bucks.
Our task system will allow you to set reminders for tasks for you or another user within your account. You can set up a reminder text to be sent to ensure it's not forgotten.
The callflows built into our phone system will allow for automated decision making and phone routing based on custom rules that you create.